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Ron's images allow us to draw a breath and take a mindful moment — to step back from this chaotic world and smile — and Gabriel's haiku could be said to represent the same breath exhaled.



Ron Rosenstock


Ron Rosenstock is a caretaker of the planet. From Iceland in the North to Peru in the South he has travelled the world and captured its fragile beauty. His approach to photography is Zen-like: his photographs come from within, from what he calls the transcendental source of creativity. Ron corresponded with Ansel Adams as a young man. He then studied photography under Minor White and later, Paul Caponigro. Ron’s work has been shown in over 100 exhibitions around the world and he has published six books of photography. 


Gabriel Rosenstock


Gabriel Rosenstock believes in the interpenetrative power of haiku to bring us close to the mystery of creation, affording us a spontaneous glimpse into the life of things. Haiku is uniquely suited as a direct response to landscape photography. Both arts ask us to pause for a moment. Like photography, haiku is a way of looking at things, truly looking, truly seeing. Gabriel estimates he may have written over 30,000 haiku; he has, understandably, lost count. Gabriel is the author/translator of over 180 books. He writes in Irish (Gaelic) and English. 


Héilean Rosenstock-Armie


Héilean Rosenstock-Armie is Gabriel’s daughter. She has always loved photography and received her first camera, a Pentax K100, from Ron when she was a teenager. The seed was sown! Growing up with a poet as father meant receiving a daily photo-haiku in her inbox. She always knew they deserved a larger audience. Rather than trying to convince her father and Ron of the need for an Instagram account and a social media strategy, she decided that instead of teaching old dogs new tricks it might be easier to seek permission from Ron and Gabriel to allow her to set up Rosenstock & Rosenstock and to curate its content. They happily agreed.

Although Ron and Gabriel live on different continents, their friendship stretches back over 40 years. It was fated that they would meet, sharing both a name and a passion for their respective arts. As Ron likes to respond when people ask if they are related ‘We share the same mother . . . Mother Earth.’

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